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Personnel System

Employment system

  1. 1. Method of employment

    Method of employment
    Form of employment ITEM
    Office job when vacated position or recruit occurs
    manufacturing job
  2. 2. Common qualification

    • Person with no disqualifications for overseas trip
    • Person who served on duty of army or who is exempt person incase of man
  3. 3. Selection method

    Selection method (Step)

    01. writing application → 02. document examination (first selection) → 03. first and second round of interview (second selection) → 04. physical examination* (third selection) → 05. Final acceptance

    * Limited to required duty according to the law

  4. 4. Method for apply

    • On-line company application from the employment site which employment notice is registered
    • Contact us
  5. 5. Others

    • National war veteran and the disabled are preferred based on related law.
    • Demand for return of employment document is possible within 14 days after the decision for employment based on the law of article 11(returning of employment document) on the fairness of procedure of employment.
      But it can not be returned when it is submitted by the homepage or e-mail according to the first clause of article 7.
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