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Management Policy

Information Security Policy

1. Basic policy

With the development of information and communication technology, various threats that are newly derived can have a serious impact on YKK Korea's information assets, and accordingly, information security activities have become indispensable. Therefore, all employees of YKK Korea thoroughly consider the loss of important information assets from numerous security threats such as internal and external hacking and information leakage, delays and deterioration of work, and various legal, social, and ethical consequences. You must do your best to come up with appropriate precautions.

2. Basic activity

  1. 01Compliance and Responsibilities

    We comply with legal requirements related to information security and fulfill our social responsibilities.
  2. 02Compliance with information security regulations

    We strictly comply with information security regulations within the company.
  3. 03CIA maintenance becomes a daily life

    Maintain confidentiality, integrity and availability of information assets.
  4. 04Confidentiality protection

    Use of confidentiality or unauthorized disclosure is prohibited in private.
  5. 05Information asset protection

    Protect information assets from illegal access and leakage.
  6. 06Information security accident prevention

    Recognize the importance of information security, and detect and respond to accident prevention.
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